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provincia England
Chelmsford, CM2 5EF
1 White Hart Ln

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Altri servizi

  google places 4.5

Carburante Prezzo
Supercharger Sconosciuto

I prezzi sono approssimativi

London-Chelmsford, UK 1

Tesla Supercharger x8

250kW DC Rapid charger

London-Chelmsford, UK 2

Tesla CCS x8

250kW DC Rapid charger

Gareth Brown
Google Places© на 01.06.2021

Excellent position

Babar Vaqas
Google Places© на 14.05.2021

Fast and furious.

Richard Martin
Google Places© на 14.03.2021

Heard this was open now so popped in yesterday. Located in front car park of the dealership off the Sainsburys roundabout. Chargers weren’t showing on my SC map....for a reason....these are all the v3 250kw chargers. If you need a type 2 socket then these won’t help you. I crept off to Marks Tey (slowly!) and arrived with 1% SOC. Not sure why they couldn’t make them dual chargers to support the older cars. Not the first Model S seen doing a u-turn in the car park I imagine, judging by the knowing smile on the staff members face...shame, useful location for *all* Tesla drivers...but looks like you need a shiny new one to get all the support.

Malcolm Hedges
Google Places© на 03.03.2021

Usual Tesla simplicity, 8 x V3 250kw now comssiones in front of dealership. Starbucks over the road

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